Theme: Collaboration through Industry 4.0 Cyber Security Solutions
The cyber space is not only confined to IT people. With technological advancements, everyone is now part and parcel of that connected world. It is on that note that cyber security is now everyone’s responsibility. The Faculty of Computing and Informatics in collaboration with various industry partners has been hosting a series of Cyber security competitions mainly on the technical end. This year, the Faculty has opened up a new horizon and is welcoming all disciplines to partake in cyber security awareness, we encourage the NUST community to take advantage of this collaborative initiative to be onboard on cyber security issues.
This year, the Namibia National Cyber Security Competition (NNCSC) events will be of immense benefit to all disciplines across board and will contribute to the progress and development of the security awareness in Namibia, as the country is a role model in adopting the latest trends in modern ICT infrastructure like Digital TV, 4G, WACS, to name but a few. We are convinced that these events is for the benefit of entire Namibian cyber space. It will also contribute especially towards supporting the country’s endeavours to become a knowledge-based economy envisioned through Vision 2030 and a digital nation as proposed in the Harambee Prosperity Plan.
Keynote Addresses: 2019, Friday 3rd October, Venue: Auditorium 1, Time : 0930- 1100
Keynote Speakers

Dr Jabu Mtsweni is a Research Group Leader for Cyber Defence at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Research Fellow at University of South Africa, and Advisory Board Member at ITWeb Security Summit. His research interests and technical expertise are in cyber warfare, cybersecurity, and cybercrimes. He regularly speaks at various local and international conferences on cybersecurity issues. He has over 15 years academic and industry experience working with different local, regional and international industries and partners on various ICT projects. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed conference and journal articles with a number of collaborators. He also continues to supervise Masters and PhD Students from different universities in South Africa.

Yuri Gubanov is a renowned computer forensics expert. He is a frequent speaker at industry-known conferences such as Euro Forensics, CEIC, FT-Day, DE-Day, Techno Forensics, HTCIA and others. Yuri is the Founder and CEO of Belkasoft. Besides, Yuri is an author of, a blog where he takes interviews with key persons in digital forensics and security domain