Proffessional Conduct
Professional Conduct
- All participants, including competitors, coaches, Green Team, Silver Team, Yellow Team, and Gold Team members, are expected to behave professionally at all times during all NNCSC events including preparation meetings, receptions, competitions, etc.
- In addition to published NNCSC rules, Host Site policies and rules apply throughout the competition and must be respected by all NNCSC participants.
- All NNCSC events are alcohol free events. No drinking is permitted at any time during competition hours.
- Activities such as swearing, consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs, disrespectful or unruly behavior, sexual harassment, improper physical contact, becoming argumentative, willful violence, or willful physical damage have no place at the competition and will not be tolerated.
- Violations of the rules can be deemed unprofessional conduct if determined to be intentional or malicious by competition officials.
- Competitors behaving hastily may receive a warning from the Green Team, Gold Team, or Silver Team for their first offense. For egregious actions or for subsequent violations following a warning, competitors may have a penalty assessed against their team, be disqualified, and/or expelled from the competition site. Competitors expelled for unprofessional conduct will be blacklisted from future NNCSC competitions for a period of no less than 12 months from the date of their expulsion.
- Individual(s), other than competitors, behaving hastily may be warned against such behavior by the Green Team or asked to leave the competition entirely by the Competition manager, the Silver Team, or Gold Team.